So, I'm pregnant! I took the test this morning and the second line immediately appeared, very dark and very definite. From what I can see on the internet, this means I've been officially pregnant for a few days, presumably. Though it weirds me out that right now I'm actually 33 days pregnant since they base the start of a pregnancy on the first day of my last period. Anyway...
If there's anyone for whom this comes as a surprise, let me tell you that yes, we were trying. When Matt got in to medical school, we realized that our best chance for Matt to be able to be there with me during the pregnancy and birth as well as the first few months of a little one's life would be if I was pregnant during his first year of school and had the baby that summer. We've been planning to start trying since February. I went to the doctor in March and went off the pill then too. I started taking my temperature and charting my cycle in May. We started trying at the end of June and got pregnant on our second try!
I was more than a little surprised that this was the month for us because I expected it to take longer and I've always expected to have a difficult time getting pregnant. We were both really busy with Matt starting school and me starting a new teaching job and our timing wasn't great. Plus, this month I was certain my period had started and my temperature had gone way down - it turns out it was just implantation bleeding and an implantation dip!
I had been feeling really hungry at the end of the week, but then didn't really eat much when I did eat. I also was having strange twinge-like cramps - not like normal cramps, but definitely noticeable. I'd spotted for a few days but then stopped, and my temperature had stayed up (except the dip). By this morning, I was 5 days late for my period.
I was chicken to test too early and also wanted to be with Matt if it was positive, so I waited until Saturday to test so we could be together all day afterward. I also didn't want Matt to try and get through a day of med school with that fresh news, and I didn't want to face a day of teaching with news one way or another. So I woke up at 6:45 this morning, being pretty firmly convinced that it'd be positive but still bracing myself for a negative, and it was definitely positive. When I got up to test I was convinced that I'd go back to sleep, but that obviously didn't happen. I woke Matt up and told him the good news, and then HE fell back asleep and I went outside to play with Wally and a stray dog that was stuck in our fence (I got her out first) and to stain our coffee table.
Based on the dates of my ovulation and last period, our due date should be around May 2. I am going to call Monday to make an appointment to go in. I've had an awesome day of already trying to milk my pregnancy for all it's worth. Matt didn't want to share his Reese's Pieces with me, and I told him that I was nurturing his spawn so he had to. He said he didn't want to share, and I pointed out that I have no choice but to share with it so he can't have a choice either. He gave in. According to some internet site I found, the flap of tissue that will become the baby's head is developing right now, so I told him that it was hard work growing a head. :)
Day 1 of knowing I'm pregnant is now officially down. No one knew we were trying, and now no one knows we are pregnant. I might tell my best friend Liz next weekend when I go see her for her Birthday (a surprise visit). I'm going to visit my parents at the end of October, which will also be the end of the first trimester, so I'll tell them in person then. Oh - and my friend Julie knows because I see her too often to keep secrets from her. :) But she's a better secret keeper than I am.
Now off to bed because I'm totally wiped out. Praying that this baby stays healthy and comes to join us at the beginning of May!!