Monday, October 18, 2010

Almost the End of 1st Tri!

We are right on the brink of being able to finally tell people. It has been really hard keeping the secret when we are so excited to be able to share with people! ACK!

Matt caved and told his lab group during Anatomy, and they were pretty excited (oh, and by the way - so thankful that he didn't smell terrible through that whole cadaver dissection thing. That would have been miserable!). I'm pretty sure my mom has no idea what's going on. Liz hinted at it, but I'm not sure if she was serious or not.

We're going to start telling next weekend. Can't wait - going to explode!

I went crazy this weekend and decorated the entire house. We moved in a year and a half ago (almost) and there was still nothing hanging on the walls. Well, now the walls are 100% decorated. It makes a substantial difference in feeling like home. I might have been a little nuts with the whole nesting thing, but Matt was studying for his last Anatomy test, so I needed something to do. :)

Tiredness is another symptom I've been struggling with. I did the entire last unit with my students as a self-directed set of stations because I wanted to just sit at my desk and feel nauseous. They are taking a test this week, so we'll see how that strategy worked out. :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Belly Buddy

I went to see a friend this weekend who is teaching a block (one month course) at our undergrad (Colorado College). I was debating whether I should tell her or not, but before I went down I called to check in on the plans and she let slip that she's pregnant, so I told her. Our due dates are only 5 days apart. Amazing!

We spent the weekend not drinking (kind of annoying since it was Homecoming/Reunion weekend and it would have been more fun to face those people with free beer) and feeling bloated together. We ate all kinds of delicious things (thank goodness the nausea gave me a temporary reprieve!) and bought maternity clothes and went to see a girlie movie about raising a baby (Life As We Know It). Gotta say, really glad I have someone to go through this with!

I also told my favorite college professor with her there, and he said "you two never did like to do anything alone, did you?" Hilarious.